About My Background

About My Background

“Your competition is the attitude, habits, discipline, and choices you make daily”

Born and raised in California

I grew up on the coast of California. The environment instilled in me a love of nature, a curious mind, and an active lifestyle.

B.A. in Environmental Science from the University of California Irvine

I was the first in my family to attend and graduate from a 4-year university. My undergraduate education provided me a diverse background in sustainability, field and lab methods, urban design, research design, and introduced me to data analysis. My first data analysis course was in MATLAB and focused on environmental science. Inspired from my first class in programming, I then learned computer science basics through the course Computer Systems and Assembly Language at UCSC.

U.S. Census Experience

One of my first jobs out of college was with the U.S. Census Bureau. The expereince as a supervisor was enriching and challenging. I learned first hand how difficult data collection is as I trained and led Santa Cruz County enumerators. The different phases of the 2020 Census taught me about the statistical processes involved at the data collection level to then later test data validity.

U.S. Army Soldier

I am the first in my family to serve as a soldier. My field of focus has trained me on operations pertient to strategy and defense. I am qualified proficient in both French and Spanish; reading, listening, and speaking.

Road to graduate school

Over the past year I have worked intentionally towards establishing my fundamental quantitative skills, developing my own coding projects, and refining my analysis abilities. I have used the tools acquired from programming courses to make this website and showcase my coding projects. The coding projects I have undertaken utilize the calculus, linear algebra, and statistical fundamentals I have cultivated academically and practically.
My data analysis pursuits have all been in addition to my service obligations in which I have also made considerable strides, winning soldier of the month boards, achieving new Army Combat Fitness Test scores, and earning additional awards and recognition for my service and leadership.